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A model of gravitropism explains the diversity of shoot posture and straigthening mouvements among the angiosperms

Renaud Bastien
PIAF, INRA Clermont Ferrand
on 2011/03/17 at 14:15


Postural control is one of the main features of plants adaptation. But even if a lot is known about the molecular and the cellular control, the dynamics of the postural control have been poorly studied. Here the focus is given on plants gravitropism and the regulation of the movement by perception.

Kinematics experiments on different angiosperms plants show that the gravitropic movement could be quite diverse and exhibit different transitory shape (C-shape, S-shape). Nevertheless the curvature dynamics and the final shape seem quite universal. This universality suggests that a core dynamics could be found independently of mechanism, species or length and time scale.

A mathematical modelling of plants gravitropism has been developed in order to understand the regulation of the movement. This modelling suggests that perception of the gravity alone is unable to account for the diversity of observed movements. It is then supposed that plants are able to sense its own deformation and respond in order to remain straight, the proprioception. This simple addition is sufficient to account at the same time for the diversity of the experimental displayed movements and the different final shape.